NBA HoopGrids released its all-new puzzle on Aug. 8. There are two new special categories for Tuesday's grid: players who were drafted by a team but never played for them and players who were top-10 draft picks.

Here are the clues for the Aug. 8 edition of HoopGrids:

  • Grid 1: Player who played for the Charlotte Hornets and Houston Rockets.
  • Grid 2: Player who played for the Charlotte Hornets and was a Top 10 draft pick.
  • Grid 3: Player who was drafted by the Charlotte Hornets but never played for them.
  • Grid 4: Player who played for the Philadelphia 76ers and Houston Rockets.
  • Grid 5: Player who played for the Philadelphia 76ers and was a Top 10 draft pick.
  • Grid 6: Player who was drafted by the Philadelphia 76ers but never played for them.
  • Grid 7: Player who played for the Minnesota Timberwolves and Houston Rockets.
  • Grid 8: Player who played for the Minnesota Timberwolves and was a Top 10 draft pick.
  • Grid 9: Player who was drafted by the Minnesota Timberwolves but never played for them.

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For Tuesday's HoopGrids, here's a closer look at grids 3 and 9: which players were drafted by the Charlotte Hornets and Minnesota Timberwolves but never played for them?

Shai Gilgeous-Alexander was the No. 11 pick by the Hornets in the 2018 NBA Draft. However, they traded him to the LA Clippers in exchange for that draft's No. 12 pick Miles Bridges and a couple of second-round picks.

Gilgeous-Alexander lasted one season with the Clippers but now thrives as an All-Star for the OKC Thunder. Most people might have forgotten, but Kobe Bryant was not drafted by the LA Lakers either. Bryant was originally picked by the Hornets and was traded to the Lakers for Vlade Divac.

Meanwhile, Ray Allen was selected No. 5 by the Minnesota Timberwolves in the famed 1996 NBA Draft. He was immediately traded to the Milwaukee Bucks for Stephon Marbury, who did not want to play in Wisconsin.

Also Read: NBA HoopGrids answers for today (August 7): Ish Smith teammates who played for the Raptors and Lakers

NBA HoopGrids answers for Aug. 8

Some people are content with just finishing HoopGrids without any mistakes. However, there are a few who want to have rare answers. Alternative answers for grid 3 include Shabazz Napier, Malachi Richardson, Frank Jackson and Tobias Harris.

Players like Mario Chalmers, Daniel Oturu, Nick Calathes, Cameron Johnson and Lauri Markkanen were all drafted by the Minnesota Timberwolves but never played for them.

Here's a completed grid for today:

NBA HoopGrids - August 8

Also Read: NBA HoopGrids answers for today (August 7)

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